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[[preprinted]] February.  THURSDAY, 25.  1897 [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 36[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.45 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a
" [[Ditto for Tempt]]  + 42[[degree symbol]] "  " [[Dittos for: and Barometer]]  28.28 @ 6 PM

Pleasant all day -

Buck Mountain Colliery idle - Had enough [[/strikethrough]] cars [[/strikethrough]] coal in breaker to load all its cars (Allotment is 49 cars per day, for these days worked; for both Collieries, 24 1/2 cars for each)

Vulcan worked 9 hours today, as it was idle the greater part of the day - see yesterday's -

The gangway in Buck Mountain Colliery, on the 3rd Lift, going from #1 Bottom at #1 slope, to #2 slope, was "holed" to-day - We drove this gangway, so that the coal from the 3rd lift, as well as the coal from the 4th & 5th lifts, could be hauled up the #2 slope, and given over to #1 slope on the 2nd Lift - The haul is too long for the #1 Engines to pull from the 3rd level -

Harrison Ball called to day to see Mr Jones in regard to building 5 blocks of houses at Buck Mtn - We may put up a few blocks at Vulcan also - 

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[[preprinted]] February.  FRIDAY, 26. 1897 [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +34[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.45 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a
[[Ditto for: Tempt]] +22[[degree symbol]] [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.47 @ 6 P.M.

Pleasant this morning - Snowing this P.M. stopped about 8 P.M. 1" deep

Both Collieries are idle - R.R. Co. not running cars -

Harry Lattimore came back from Shawnee, Ohio, this morning, where he bought a locomotive for Buck Mtn Colliery -, through A.S. Males & Co. of Cincinnati Ohio

The coal that we loaded yesterday, about 600 tons at each Colliery, has not been taken out - Delano office responded that they would not take out this coal until the next day they run cars - They will not run cars until the next week, which will be in March month.  This runs up the time worked in Feby and gives the product to March month -

Unloaded car of hay here at New Boston to day -

A few men working at both Collieries -