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[[preprinted]] April, THURSDAY, 8. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 46[[degrees symbol]] and Barometer 28.47 @ 8 AM
" [[Ditto for: Tempt]] + 43[[degree symbol]] ' ' [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.37 @ 6 PM
Sun shining a while this morning - threatening weather all day - Rained a little this PM

Both Collieries idle - L.V. are running cars to-day, but we received our 3 days allotment in 2, loaded them, hence idle to-day - 

Mr. Dan Thomas called this AM. by request - Mr. Jones sent the [[underlined]] stock [[/underlined]] to Mr. Delano to-day registered letter 1 PM -

We have our general "idle day" force working to-day. We are putting on the new condenser on the breaker pump at Vulcan - Have a large squad timbering in the 3rd East - The worst of the squeeze is apparently over - 

We have bought and unloaded 3 cars of building lumber here at New Boston, and have stored it in the old shop - from which place we can deliver it ourselves to either ville - 

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[[preprinted]] April, FRIDAY, 9. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 44[[degree symbol]] and Barometer - 28.- 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a
" [[Ditto for: Tempt]] 42[[degree symbol]] ' ' [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] - 27.92 @ 6 PM
Miserable day - Raining on and off all day - Rained hard at times - 

Both Collieries idle - [[insertion]] R.R. Co not running cars - [[/insertion]] Quite a number of men working around the Collieries - At Buck Mountain we have a large squad timbering in the 3rd East, and also a large force on the new bottom 3rd Lifts -

Everything quiet

H. Ball of Mahanoy City has commenced work on the 5 blocks of new houses at Buck Mountain, which are by contract - To be completed by July 15-97