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[[preprinted]] May, MONDAY, 10. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 64[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.24 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a
" [[dittos for Temp]] + 66[[degree symbol]] " " [[dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.20 @ 6 pm

Beautiful morn -  Threatening this pm -

Buck Mountain worked 9 hours today -
Done poor this AM -  Cars off track at 2nd bottom - #1 slope - tore out part of road-  Had to hoist all coal to surface via #2 slope, thence over and up on breaker -

Vulcan Colliery worked 10 hours -

The fan & fixtures for fan draft plant at Vulcan arrived today -  Have masons working at foundation -  Will be ready about Thursday to erect same -

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[[preprinted]] May, TUESDAY, 11. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 64[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.38 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a 
" [[ditto for: Temp]] + 68[[degree symbol]] ' ' [[dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.31 @
Beautiful day - somewhat threatening this PM

Both Collieries worked 10 hours -  Loaded our 3 days allotment these two days, (yesterday and today) Will be idle until next Monday - R.R. Co not running cars

Here at New Boston, a dead poleander, man - about 33 yrs of age, was hauled out of the well on south side of road, nearly in center of patch-  Sunday two weeks ago, a new plug hat was discovered floating in the well.  It was fished out, but no one ever thought of the owner being at the bottom -  Today at about 10.30 Am, Mrs John Cragg was "fishing" for a bucket, with a rope [[strikethrough]] and and [[/strikethrough]] with a hook attached after sometime [[strikethrough]] she ca [[/strikethrough]] the hook caught in something, and she pulled it up - discovered it to be a man - after trying some time with ropes, a ladder was substituted, and a man went down and tied a rope to him -  He was pulled out awfully heavy -  Proved to be Anton Konetscufski-  worked at Morea - boarded at Hallas' - (N Boston)  Had been at Morea for his pay on April 1st - Must have fallen down on Saturday night-  Well is about 35 feet deep from surface down -  5 1/2' in diameter - walled with stone, - about 8' water - box on platform [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] top platform 1 ft high, above surface [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] 8' square - box about 2' high, 4' Square in center of platform, and centered with well -  Man had gashes one on top, and one back of head-  Lower lip torn 1" -  Family with whom he had been boarding, say he was talking of going away -  He went -  Queer how he fell down -  It seems that he would not strike sides by falling down -  Must have went down head first -  Undertaker took him to Mahanoy City -  People have been drinking this water all along - composed of 10 parts spring water two of "miner" mineral water

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Transcription Notes:
^ only used for written matter inserted into typed or printed matter