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[[asterisk symbol]] Mr Delano [[six straight lines or tick marks]]
[[preprinted]] July, THURSDAY, 29. 1897. [[/preprinted]]
Tempt +64 and Barometer 28
[[ditto for: Tempt]] + [[ditto for: and Barometer]] 28

Pleasant this morning until 8.30 A.M.  Then in clouded due probably [[strikethrough]] q [[/strikethrough]] to the eclipse of the sun, which commenced about 9 AM and ended at about 10.15 AM - Tempt was at 68 at 9 oclock, dropped to 64 and remained there until about 12 oclock - Cleared up this PM. On account of the clouds, the eclipse was not visible at all times - Could see it now and again

[[asterisk symbol]]Mr. Delano is at Mauch Chunk to-day at [[underline]] meeting [[/underline]] - Mr Jones is not yet home -

Mr. Delano at Mauch Chunk today - thence to Scranton, thence to home at Fair Haven - Postponed his visit to Collieries - probable cause - Mr. Jones not home yet - Will come up week after next

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[[preprinted]] July, FRIDAY, 30. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +68[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.30 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] /a
[[ditto for: Tempt]] +72[[degree symbol]] [[ditto for: and Barometer]] 28.34 @  6 PM
Pleasant all day -

Both Collieries idle - L.V. are running cars recd 41 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] /4 V 40 BMtn - Loaded nearly them all - Did not know how [[written above]] many [[/written above]] we wld [[written below]] get [[/written below]]
Mr. Jones is expected home to night

Everything quiet - Few men working -

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