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[[preprinted]] September, THURSDAY, 9. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +70[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.67 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/AM

" [[ditto for: Tempt]] +78[[degree symbol]]' ' [[dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.56 @ 6 PM

Pleasant - Very warm -

Vulcan [[strikethrough]] Both [[/strikethrough]] Colliery worked 9 hours; BMtn idle - 60 cars is not enough to keep the two Collieries working 9 hours -

Compressor at B Mtn is nearly connected -
Pipe will be finished in about 10 days -

Strikers are continuing their practice of visiting Collieries in a body and compelling the firemen to draw their fires, or, are preventing them from coaling them - Several of the Coal Companies have purchased guns and ammunition -

Ball's painters started yesterday to paint this New Boston store building -

Bought a small engine for B Mtn shop last month, from, Thos P. Conard, Philadelphia

Inventory of Stock has been taken in New Boston and BMtn JD&P stores - did not close stores -

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Tried Air Compressor at BMtn [[strikethrough]] today [[/strikethrough]] yesterday -

[[preprinted]] September, FRIDAY, 10. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +74[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.66 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/A

"[[ditto for: Tempt]] +84[[degree symbol]] @ 3PM

"[[ditto for: Tempt]] +82[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.56 @ 6 PM

Pleasant, but warm -

Both Collieries worked 9 hours -

Air Compressor at Buck Mountain was tried yesterday.  One of the Air Locomotives was taken down to the 4th Lift on Wednesday - Pipeline is not yet completed -

[[underline]] Riot [[/underline]]  Heard over the telephone, at 5.30 PM, that a riot took place at Lattimer, near Hazleton, between the raiding strikers and the sheriff and his deputies - Strikers were trying to stop the Colliery - Fight took place, and 11 strikers were killed and 35 wounded - One deputy was shot through the arm - no one killed on the [[strikethrough]] law's [[/strikethrough]] sheriff's side -

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