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[[preprinted]] September, MONDAY, 13. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +68[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.56 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a

" [[ditto for: Tempt]] +70[[degree symbol]] '  '[[dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.42 @ 6PM

Clouded sky - otherwise pleasant

Vulcan worked 9 hours - BMtn idle - for the want of cars -

Tried one of the Air Locomotives at B Mtn today - Run into the east and west 4' Lift - Pulled in 9 empty cars and pulled out 12 loaded easily - Works first rate - Gauge showed 650 lbs pressure -

The situation at Hazleton is about the same - there are now stationed there, 5 regiments of infantry; 2 troops of Cavalry, including City troop of Philadelphia; and 1 Battery of Artillery - The troops have had a very good effect - Populace treats the soldiers all right.  The feeling is very bitter against the Sheriff and deputies - Papers for the arrest of the Sheriff and deputies have been issued, but General Gobin refuses to place them under arrest - 12 of the dead were buried today - Thousands of miners followed the remains - It was supposed that the Commander in Chief would allow no marching of the strikers at the funeral, but they marched - 6 masked men mobbed a pump Engineer who is a cripple, at Audenried on Saturday night - This Pump man refused to strike -

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[[preprinted]]September. TUESDAY, 14. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +68[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.55 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/AM

" [[ditto for: Tempt]] +74[degree symbol]] ' '[[dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.58 @ 6PM

Pleasant all day -

Both Collieries worked 9 hours -

The Strike in the Hazleton Region is spreading about 12 Collieries are now shut down -

The strike of the soft coal mines in Ohio and western part of Pennsylvania is still on -

Soldiers are still stationed at Hazleton.  Now that the dead have been buried, no further trouble is anticipated  'Twas [[strikethrough]] reported [[/strikethrough]] rumored to-day that the strikers were marching on the Eckley Colliery, and that the "City troop of Philadelphia" had been dispatched there forced march -

The Air Locomotive on the 4' Lift BMtn Colliery, was started, permanently, to work in the east side - On the west side we are waiting for a hole to be driven up from the 4' lift, to continue the pipe line to the 3' from the 4th -

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