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[[image: decorative line drawing, printed in yellow]]

Exhibition of Pictorial Photography
by CHIN-SAN LONG [[Chinese characters]]
to Commemorate the Centenary of Daguèrre
Sponsored by
l'Association Photographique de l'Université l'Aurore

DR. JOHN C. FERGUSON    [[Chinese characters]]
REV. GEORGE GERMAIN S.J. [[Chinese characters]]

MR. KOUO TCHENG-TCHEOU   [[Chinese characters]]

MR. TCHEON JEN     [[Chinese characters]]
MR. WANG TSIO-YONG      [[Chinese characters]]
MR. TCHON TA-TCHENG     [[Chinese characters]]
MR. LON WON     [[Chinese characters]] 
MR. PAN JOEI-SIANG     [[Chinese characters]]
MR. SUEM KEN-CHENG     [[Chinese characters]]
MR. TCHENG KENG     [[Chinese characters]]
MR. TSAI FOH-ZIANG     [[Chinese characters]]
MR. LO TCHEN-LI     [[Chinese characters]]
MR. TCHEN KU-MING     [[Chinese characters]]
MR. TENG TING-KOEN     [[Chinese characters]]

Hon. Secretary
MR. MARC 'TSANG ZAKO     [[Chinese characters]]

Hon. Treasurer
MISS P.L. LAY     [[Chinese characters]]

[[image: decorative line drawing, printed in yellow]]