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BY CHEN CHUAN-LIN ([[Chinese characters]])

The year 1939 is an important date in the history of photography. Just over 100 years ago, Daguerre, Niepce, and Talbot published for the first time their photographic inventions independently. During one century of hard research and untiring experiment scientists have so perfected the photographic process that a huge industry has grown up, serving the needs and the pleasure of millions.

In view of present circumstances it is indeed praiseworthy that Mr. Long, pioneer of Chinese Pictorial Photography, has the courage to hold his timely exhibition and publish this beautiful album to celebrate the Centenary of Photography. There have been no public Photographic Art shows in Shanghai during the past two years. It is really an unique opportunity for us here in this "Isolated Island" to admire the many scenic views wonderfully taken by Mr. Long during his travels in South-Western China.

Mr. Long has proved his talent as a painter, because every one of his works is a masterpiece. His admirers only know that he is a good amateur photographer, but he also paints well. His photographs are excellent in every respect and expressive of oriental art. It is no exaggeration to call every one of his works a painting or a poem.

With the patience and perseverance of the resolute spider weaving its web, Mr. Long never feels tired in pursuit of pictorial photography. He founded one of the earliest Photo Clubs in China by the name of "Hwa Sheh" which had its first public exhibition in 1927 and has traveled extensively since. Besides serving as advisers to many College Photo Clubs, he was formerly a teacher of photography in Sungkiang Girls Middle School and Jury of selection of Photo Sec. 1st and 2nd national Art Exhibition. In order to disseminate elementary knowledge of photography among the populace, he is now editing the Photo Section of the Sin Wan Pao Evening Edition. Recently he has proposed the establishment of a National Photographic Association for the purpose of getting together all Chinese enthusiasts to hold an exhibition of national character. It is sincerely hoped that his idea will soon materialize.


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