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[[image: decorative line drawing,a Chinese dragon in clouds, printed in yellow]]

Lamp" which, like fireflies, grow from a few at first to a countless number, illuminating, lantern-like, with millions of spark lights. Gradually they descend on the snowy grounds and make a sound audible to the ears. Under a cloudless sky one can see in the west, Sikong, with its great mass of snow and glaciers; and in the east, the sun rise. At sunset greater lustre suffuses the scene as the clouds, permeated with variegated light, burst into patterns of gorgeous colors.

3. Winter     Ch. Br.
The passing rain makes the firmament seem loftier and therefore Mt. Omei, raised out of the blue background stands nearer to the heavens. Trailing clouds together with the mists produce for the artist a perfect picture.

4. Precipice of Immolation     Ch. Br.
Behind the Golden Summit stands the Precipice of Immolation--a spot so steep and high as to be exceedingly dangerous. Self-immolation is a religious term of the Buddhist Faith denoting sacrafice of ones person, in one way or other, to the cause of religion. Two Kings of the Six Dynasties abdicated to become slaves for services in a monastry there, and people have burnt and killed themselves there for the same purpose. However it does not mean that the Precipice is a place for ordinary person, tired of life, to commit suicide.

5. The Bronze Pagoda     Ch. Br.
This Bell and two pagodas were cast during the reign of Wan-li (1575 A.D.) in the dynasty of Ming upon the Golden Summit.

6. Two Summits     Br.
Another two summits called the One Thousand and Ten Thousand Buddhas stand parallelly with the golden Summit. It is only from these buddhas in the monastery on the top of the summits that these names are fully appreciated. A jade seal contributed by Siam is also highly treasured by the Abbot in the monastery. As a result of a recent survey it is ascertained that this summit is higher than the Golden Summit although the latter has been traditionally regarded as the highest.

7. Abode Of The Nine Ancients     P.N.
The location of this Abode of the Nine Ancients is somewhere near the Sen Fung Sze (Genii Peak Monastery). It is traditionally handed down that far back in the old legendary days there once lived nine old men and whence comes the name, the Abode of the Nine Ancients. This abysmal cave is said to have been explored by some folks who after advancing about thirty li into the cave were discouraged by the presence of a large multitude of bats and thus returned without reaching the very bottom. Visitors now only advance about one li reaching a point where the Temple of the God of Wealth is peacefully situated, accompanied by thousands of swallows.


[[image: decorative line drawing, clouds and a possibly Mandarin symbol, printed in yellow]]