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[[image - decorative line drawing of a phoenix in clouds, in yellow ink]]

8. Fir Trees        Ch. Br.
Fir trees a thousand years old grow densely over the Omei Mountain, many of which have a circumference of scores of feet. A recent survey shows that in the Mt. Omei region alone there are more than twelve thousand species of plants.

9. Land's End       Ch. Br.
So heavily scattered are the forest that the paths in them seem to have the tendency of leading one into something mysterious.

10. Rushing Waters     Ch. Br.
Over the slopes of Mt. Omei, a certain genus of trees flourished plentifully - a sight that can only be enjoyed in the provinces of Szechuan and Yunnan. They grow up so rapidly that a huge forest can easily be expected within two or three years.

11. Wax Trees      Br.
Another famous product of the Mt. Omei is the Wax Tree. The production of the Wax is a strange story indeed. The larva of the so-called wax insect are carried over from Kweichow, having been bred in the water. By some ingenious means they then are attached on the trees from which they draw their nourishment and subsequently excrete the wax-like substance on the branches of the tree. The liquid is then quickly crystalized and is scratched off in Autumn to be refined into white wax. It is widely used for making candles, polishers, shells for drugs etc.

12. Appeal      Ch.Br.
Shown in the picture are stalks of the wax trees.

13. Fashioned By The Caprice Of The Stream       Ch. Br.
At the foot of Mount Omei is situated the Lungmen Tung (The Dragon Gate Cave). The torrents passing over odd-shaped rocks make a very beautiful scenery. The cave is about three hundred and eighty meters in height. Upon the wall are the inscriptions of Su Tung-po, the famous statesman and poet of the Sung Dynasty and numerous other noted passages inscribed by various renown poets and caligraphers.

14. Peter Pan's Holiday     Ch. Br.
Rushing out so rapidly, as all the flow spur out from the fountains of the Mt. Omei through the crevices of the cliffs, the torrential pour can be heard miles away.

15. A Rural Tapestry     Ch. Br.
Along the right bank of the Mien River near Chiating, the slope of the Ling Yun Shan (Cloudscraping Hill) marks another unusual vista. Near the mouth of the river, a gigantic stone Buddha of 360 fee high was carved out of the rocky hill by Abbot Hai Tung of the Tang Dynasty. On the sum-


[[image - decorative line drawing, in yellow ink]]