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[[image - decorative line drawing, in yellow ink]]


It was in the year 1931 that Messrs. Chin-San Long, Shu-Chong Liu, T. Y. Zee, and several other friends including myself organized the China Camera Club. Some of our members soon began thinking of the idea to contribute Chinese photographic studies to all the photo exhibitions in the world. Up till the present, more than two thousand of our pieces have been accepted. Mr. Long is the first of our group to have a picture chosen. Within nine years, he has exhibited 755 pictures, and the following is a list of his studies exhibited in the world's salons compiled by myself. --Lewis L. Wong. 

List of Mr. Long's Pictures accepted and Hung at various International Salons.

Name of Salon       Year      Prints Accepted
Austria             1936            2
Alger               1936            4
American Photo      1934-37         4
Amsterdam           1935-39        14
Antwerp             1934-37         6

Barcelona           1933-35         4
Barry               1939            5
Beckenham           1939            2
Belgium             1936-39         7
Birkenhead          1935-39        12
Birmingham          1934-39        15
Bishop Auckland     1938            4
Blossom Festival    1939            1
Bolton              1936            3
Boston              1935-39         6
Brighton Hove       1937            2
Bristol             1936-39         5
Brussels            1933-39        13
Budapest            1933-38         7
Buffalo             1934-36         7
Bradford            1937            2

Catba               1937            6
Canada (Ottawa)     1934            1
Capetown            1935            2
Charleroi           1934-39         6
Chicago             1936-37         2
City of London      1937-38         4
Copenhagen          1939            2
Courtrai            1936-39        16

Darwen              1936            1
Debreczen           1937            2
Derby R. I.         1937-39         9
Des Moines          1938            3
Detroit             1936-37         8

Edinburgh           1937            1

Fox River Valley    1939            1

Gent                1937            3
Great Eastern M.I.  1937-39        10
Greece              1938            4
Germany             1936            3

Hackney             1934-39        56
Hamilton            1935            3
Hammersmith         1934-39         7
Helsingfors         1939            4
Hongkong            1934-36        13
Hounslow            1938            6
Houston, Texas      1939            1

Ilford              1936-39         8
Iris                1934-38         6
Irish               1935-37         3

Japan               1931            1
Johannesburg        1933-34         8

Karlsbad            1936            3
Kosice              1933-35         5
Lom U Mostu         1938            4
Leicester           1934-37         7
Lincoln             1936-38        16
Lisboa              1937            9
Ljubljana           1934-38         3
London              1932-39         3
Los Angeles         1934-7          7
Lucknow (India)     1936            2
Luxambourg          1938            3
Luzern              1933-35         9
Luzern (Magz.)      1937            9

Madrid              1934-36         3
Marshall Field      1939            2
Midland             1933-39        15

[[image - decorative line drawing, in yellow ink]]