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2.) Name, in the order of their importance, the accessions of the year which deserve [[underlined]] special notice [[/underlined]], arranged alphabetically, and state in each case whether given, lent, received in exchange or purchased. 

[[line across page]]

^[[The only accession which would seem to deserve [[underlined]] special notice [[/underlined]] is the collection of photo-mechanical process work, received
through Prof. W. A. Roese, as a gift from the German Government Printing Office, Berlin. It numbers 241 specimens, and consists of reproductions, many of them in color, of rare old etchings, engravings, and woodcuts, and of sketches by Dürer, Rembrandt, etc. Not only is this collection interesting from its subject matter, but also by reason of the excellence in technical quality which it shows. 

These reproductions were all made at the German Government Printing Office, under Prof. Roese, who is the chief of the chaleographical division, which includes
process work. ]]