Viewing page 42 of 174

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9168 Foutay Miss Moritella
9144[??] Freeman, Miss Hilda
9150 Fowler Mrs. S.
9209 Facey Mr. E.G.
9199 Fleming Miss E.
9275 Fowler Miss Esther
9300 Farrior Sergeant Dalley
9294 Francis  Mrs. Milton
9301 Farrior Sergant Dalley
9304 Falcome Mrs. M.O. 
9399 Fowler Mrs.
9420 Fleming Mr. A.R.
9421 Freeman Miss E. [[? obscured by ink blot]]
9409 Fuller's Mrs. L. baby
9552 Floyd Mrs. Areton [[??]]
9561 Foster's Mrs. J.H. baby
[[9]]624 Franklin, Mr. R. group - 5x7
[[9]]675 Fulton Mr. C.B.
[[9]]782 France Mrs. Rosa
[[9]]798 Flagg's Mr. Chas. baby
[[9]]924 Ford, Mr. Arthur C.
[[9]]959 Ford Miss Nellie
[[1]]0054 Franklin Miss Helen
[[1]0071 Fox, Mr. H.
[[1]]0136 Ford Mr. A.S
[[1]]0281 Fairclough Mr. Lewis 
[[1]]0280 Fairclough Mr. G.E.
[[1]]0285 Freeman Lt. S.C.
[[1]]0308 Francis Mrs JW. baby
[[1]]0324 Freeman Mr. C.W.
[[1]]0344 Fisher Miss Pearl
[[1]]0330 Fleur-de Lis Club - 8 x 10
[[1]]0356 Foster Mr.
[[10]]490 Fairfax Lt. N.C.
[[1]]0504 Ford, Miss M.M
[[10]][544 Franklin Miss Agnes

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

10528 Fray Miss Hazel
10661 Fulton Mrs. A. children
10805 Fitzhugh Miss Eva
10823 Flipping Miss W.E
10863 Ford Mr M.C. Group
10873 Fulford Mr W.C.
10889 Fowler Mr Selton G. Group
10919 Fletcher Mr M.D.
10960 Flowers Miss Frances
11011 Foreman Mr S.G.
11005 Funn Mr James G.
11057 Fearing Srgt John
11058 F[[?? inkblot]] Leut Robt
11068 Forcia Mr Clarence
[[strikethrough]] 11173 Ford, Dr. William [[/strikethrough]]
11173 Ford, Dr. William
11180 France, Mrs. Rose
[[strikethrough]] 11195 [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] 11243 Farnell, Captain [[/strikethrough]]
11260 Fulton Mr. George W.
11243 Fuller, Mr. E.D.
11240 Ferguson, Mr. S.J.
11279 Fisher, Mr. Edward H.
11288 Foster, Dr. W.H.
11372 Foussard, Mr. L.J. (Foussard)
[[strikethrough]] 11707 Freedman's Hospital Interne [[/strikethrough]]
11470 Felton, Mrs. R.
11482 Frances, Mrs. J.L. (Baby)
11510 Ford, Mr. John W
11565 Ford, Mrs. [[strikethrough]] E.M.[[/strikethrough]]
11567 Ford, Mrs. J.R. (Baby)
11586 Fearing, Sergt. John
11613 Freedmen's Hospital Interne group - 1919
11654 Foster, Mr. L.L.
11678 Freeman, Mrs. M.G.
11696 Freedmen's Hospital Nurses' Group 1919