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diaries and other evidence revealed that they had been unable to survive the extreme cold after landing on the ice after 65 hours in the balloon, followed by an attempt to reach civilization afoot. Dr. August von Borosini of Los Angeles, who knew Andree personally, has presented a memorial plaquette of Andree, a Swedish flag which he owned and a map, text and photographs illustrating their place of ascent. July 11, 1947, marks the fiftieth anniversary of this historic ascent.

The accomplishments of a notable aeronautical engineer and inventor can now be shown through a collection of objects and data presented by John W. Smith of Philadelphia. These illustrate a group of 5 airplanes which he constructed, 1910-1913; radial engines which he invented and manufactured prior to and during the First World War; jet engines of recent development and a scale model accompanied by full-sized blades which reveal his unique and successful method of constructing propellers by a rolling mill process.

A step in the early development of model airplanes is shown through the gift of an experimental flying model constructed prior to the First World War and embodying features for automatic control. It is the gift of Captain S. B. Meredith who attributes its original design to a Mr. Moore of New York City.

Charles Hubbell of Cleveland, Ohio, is best known among the aeronautical fraternity for the splendid series of painting which he has produced annually for the calendars of Thompson Products Company. As an avocation he enjoys constructing scale models. They embody his adept skill to depict accurate details and the over-all appearance is remarkably true to life. Through the cooperation of the President of Thompson Products, Mr. Fred Crawford, a group of Mr. Hubbell's models have been loaned to the