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7. Information

During this year, there were four outstanding instances not mentioned previously in this report, when the division of Aeronautics was able to be of assistance to organizations.  These were:

On October 11, personnel of the Fox Movietone News, engaged in preparing an educational film, were conducted through the collections and, having selected certain items for photographing, were assisted in the taking of motion pictures of them.

On February 7, while in San Francisco, the curator attended a meeting of the Quiet Birdmen, an organization of prominent flyers which was Chapters throughout the nation.  Being invited to speak, a description of aeronautical museum work was given with particular emphasis on the plans for the National Air Museum.  The request was made that members of the Quiet Birdmen Organization assist in  this deserving project.  Following adjourment many of those present expressed their interest in the National Air Museum's organization and offered to help.  Several beneficial contacts have resulted.

On April 16, Radio Station WMAL in Washington, broadcasting its program, "As the Wheels Turn" presented by the Capital Transit Company, featured the background story of the Aircraft Building, describing its use in the First World War as an engineering laboratory and the important part played there during development and tests of the "Liberty" engine.

In the afternoon and evening of May 19, 1947 the curator served as one of the judges to select outstanding examples of craftsmanship and ingenuity as applied to the illustration of scientific facts.  This Science Fair is intended as an annual exhibit to encourage entries from high school students studying the various branches of science.  Following a luncheon during which the judges were briefed on the extent of