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[[notes on left margin]]
Dr. Hayle
I trust that you can do this. WHH

Attended to by Dr. Hayle

Art Gallery report also prepared

Can't Dr. Hayle do this for you R [[/notes]]

U.S. National Museum,

Dear Professor Holmes:

A brief report on the work of the National Museum for 1920 has to be furnished the Secretary's Office by [[underlined]] August 15, [[/underlined]] for the Secretary's Annual Report to the Board of Regents. Will you not be so good as to let me have, for incorporation in it, not more than two or three pages setting forth what you consider to be the prominent additions and other important matters of the year relating to the collections under your charge. While we could doubtless brief your annual report here, I prefer that you should have the opportunity to indicate your views on the matter.

Very truly yours,

W des Ravenel

Administrative Assistant to the Secretary