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By W. H. Holmes, Curator.


I have the honor to present the following report on the activities of the National Gallery of Art during the fiscal years, 1919-20.

The Gallery continued in charge of the Head Curator of the Department of Anthropology, and the collection occupied, as heretofore, the central skylight hall of the Natural History Museum. Good progress was made during the year in the acquirement of art works and constant attention was given to all classes of exhibits and  especially to the manner of their presentation to the public. The additions were not numerous, but comprise works and objects of very considerable museum value not, however, comparable in importance with the accessions of the year before. Twenty works of painting and sculpture were added. A model in plaster of a monument entitled "The Victory of Liberty" by Branko Dechkovitch, the Jugo-Slav sculptor, accepted by the President at Paris France, as a gift to the United States, was received by the Museum through the Department of State. Of very great historical and general interest is the full length statue in white marble of William Pitt, gift of the Duchess of Marlborough and other American women in Great Britain. Deeply incised on the gray marble base is the inscription: "This statue of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, the British champion of American Liberty, presented by American women living in the United Kingdom as a memorial