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Gifts from the Wolcott fund. – 438 fossil invertebrates from the Jurassic of Cuba; 1,000 specimens of miscellaneous invertebrates, including over 400 goniatites, from Oklahoma, collected by H. L. Strimple.

Collected for the Museum. – Associate Curator Porter M. Kier collected for the Museum 1,490 echinoids and other invertebrate fossils in Belgium, France, Holland, and Switzerland, while doing fieldwork on a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Obtained by purchase. – 101,000 specimens, mostly of Pennsylvanian invertebrate fossils but including some important Cretaceous material, were obtained from Mrs. J. H. Renfro, Fort Worth, Tex.

Incoming exchanges. – The following are the most important of the exchanges received during the year: 750 specimens of assorted invertebrate fossils from the Mesozoic and Tertiary of Great Britain from Sergeant Philip Cambridge of Cardiff, Wales; 61 blocks of Permian limestone from West Texas from Harvard University, through Dr. H. B. Whittington; and one specimen the very rare brachiopod [[underline]] Enantiosphen [[/underline]] from the Devonian of Germany from Dr. Wolfgang Struve, Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, Germany.