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The Division of Vertebrate Paleontology - As a part of the exhibits modernization program, construction of cases in the hall of fishes and primitive tetrapods is about complete, and a start has been made on installation of the fossil material, with the placing in their cases of the giant fish [[underlined]] Xiphactimus [[/underlined]] and the slab displaying remains of the Triassic amphibian [[underlined]] Eupelor frasi. [[/underlined]] The plans for the age of mammals hall, for exhibition of the Tertiary mammals, have been completed and the exhibits have been removed from the hall in preparation for the new case construction. The exhibits in the hall of Pleistocene mammals, formerly the meteorite hall but scheduled to display Pleistocene animals, have been rearranged, some of the geological specimens retired, and the Tertiary mammal skeletons that were removed from the age of mammals hall have been temporarily interspersed among the Pleistocene materials. The dinosaur hall has not been disturbed except to introduce a small part of the overflow from the other halls.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed -@siobhanleachman