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The Division of Invertebrate Paleontology and Paleobotany.- Renovation of the hall of fossils has started. Last fiscal year this hall was cleared of its specimens and soon afterward the contractors moved in to erect the cases. Construction is completed and work on the individual cases is moving along. At the time of removal of the specimens, planning of the various cases had been going on. At about the time the contractors moved in, the various cases had been planned but script for the cases had not yet been prepared. At the end of this fiscal year the script for nine cases has been prepared and work on several others is under way. Furthermore, the specimens have been selected for the cases on which scripts have been prepared. These cases only include exhibits of invertebrate fossils.

In addition to the work accomplished here at the Museum, two of the cases, Cretaceous and Ordovician habitat groups, have been completed by Mr. George Marchand of Ann Arbor, Mich. He is also at work on two other cases. A total of nine habitat groups is planned.

The exhibit of fossil plants is planned, but none of the script has been written.