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Report of the work in the collections would not be complete without mention of the work of Louis Reed, who joined the staff late in fiscal 1958. Reed helps in moving specimens and trays and has also been given independent work in the collections. He is numbering all of the non-silicified specimens from the Glass Mountains, such as the fusulinid collections, which will be placed in attic storage sometime in the next fiscal year when the numbering is completed. Reed has also helped greatly in some of our clean-up operations, such as washing the material brought in from the field. This work required close attention so that no material becomes mixed with other lots. 

In summary, it is possible to say that real progress was made during this year. But many collections remain to receive the same sort of treatment. Furthermore, all of the biological collections are greatly in need of careful scientific work; to identify material not yet studied and to revise older identifications in the light of new studies. This must await the appointment of more staff.