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Honors.- Curator George Switzer of Minerology and Petrology was appointed United States delegate to the Museums Commission of the International Mineralogical Association. In this capacity he is also chairman of a Mineralogical Society of America committee engaged in the preparation of a directory of mineral collections in the United States. This will be incorporated into a world directory of mineral collections to be published by the International Mineralogical Association.

Dr. Gazin continued to represent the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology as a member of the Earth Sciences Division of the National Research Council and attended general meetings of the Council and the annual meeting of the division in March, and participated in the annual conference of the division in May of 1959. He further continued to serve as chairman of the Eocene subcommittee of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology's Committee of Nomenclature and Correlation of North American Continental Cenozoic.