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Department of Geology
Management Report of the Head Curator
Fiscal Year 1959

The special needs of each of the divisions is considered in the management reports of those units. Some matters are more the concern of the Head Curator and should be discussed here.

[[underline]] Grade increase of the Head Curator's secretary [[/underline]].- One of the urgent needs in the Smithsonian is an upgrading of all of the stenographic and secretarial help. Some progress was made in the case of some clerk-stenographers, but no progress is apparent with the head curators' secretaries. Papers were sent through channels requesting promotion of Miss Mildred Joseph, Department of Geology, on the grounds that her duties over the years have so widened, and that her responsibilities for the management of the office of the Head Curator have so expanded that she can no longer be properly graded as a secretary (stenography). Miss Joseph shares many of the responsibilities of the Head Curator's office with the Head Curator, and her position is indispensable to a proper functioning of the department. It is my conviction that her title is more properly that of an administrative assistant, because the large percentage of her work (60 - 70%) directly helps the Head Curator in the departmental management. An early consideration of her case, and the papers outlining it which were submitted many weeks ago, is respectfully requested.

[[underline]] New positions needed [[/underline]].- Additional assistance is urgently needed to help free the research scientists from the shackles of routine and preparation. 

Head Curator's Office.- Stenographic or clerical help is greatly needed in the office of the Head Curator, either to help with the backlog of work in the departmental library, or to relieve Miss Joseph of some of the clerical duties in order that she may give more time to the library.