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Minerals.- Many fine and rare minerals were received as gifts from individuals. Among the important gifts are: Genthelvite, Colorado, from Glenn R. Scott; opal, Nevada, from Mark Bandy; jade, Burma, from Martin L. Ehrmann; milky quartz crystals, Colorado, from E. M. Gunnell; gorceixite, French Equatorial Africa, from Mahlon Miller; spangolite, Arizona, from Arch Oboler; and clinohedrite and roeblingite, New Jersey, from John S. Albanese.

Many excellent mineral specimens were received in exchange. Outstanding among these are: A fine group of huebnerite crystals from Colorado; rhodochrosite from Montana; exceptionally fine crystals of the rare mineral phosphophyllite from Bolivia; datolite from Connecticut; and a large sphalerite crystal from Missouri.

Newly described species received in exchange were: Jagoite from Sweden; vandendriesscheite from Australia; eskolaite from Finland; p-veatchite from Germany; dalyite from Ascension Island; and bonchevite from Bulgaria. 

Material received as transfers from other government agencies included: Thirty-five specimens of uranium ores from various western United States localities, from the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; and ningyoite, a new mineral from Japan, from the U.S. Geological Survey.