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Division of Mineralogy and Petrology

[[displayed as table with two columns under each year]]

Total Specimens in Custody and Cataloging Backlog

1959 Actual
Number of Specimens in Custody: 373,517
Number of Specimens Uncataloged: 1,145

1960 Estimate
Number of Specimens in Custody: 376,517
Number of Specimens Uncataloged: --

1961 Estimate
Number of Specimens in Custody: 379,517
Number of Specimens Uncataloged: --

[[start of new table - displayed as table with three columns under each heading]]
Accessioning and Cataloging Statistics

Accessioning Statistics
No. Spec. Acc. 1959 Actual (new): 4,543
No. Spec. Acc. 1960 Est.: 3,000
No. Spec. Acc. 1961 Est.: 3,000

Cataloging Statistics
No. Spec. Cat. 1959 Actual: 3,398
No. Spec. Cat. 1960 Est.: 4,145
No. Spec. Cat. 1961 Est.: 3,000

Transcription Notes:
Two tables are displayed - one titled "Total Specimens in Custody and Cataloging Backlog" and second titled "Accessioning and Cataloging Statistics".