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Division of Mineralogy and Petrology

[[displayed as a table with multiple columns]]

Specimens acquired and distributed - Fiscal 1959
No. of Acc. (transactions) 1959 (new): 254
No. Specs. Received on Loan: --
*Number of Specimens exchanged with other institutions:
- Cataloged Specimens: 405***
- Actual Number: 808**
*Number of Specimens gifts to Educational Institutions, etc.:
- Cataloged Specimens: 0 ***
- Actual Number: 298 **
* Number of Specimens transferred to other Government Agencies:
- Cataloged Specimens: 1***
- Actual Number: 202 **
* Number of Specimens lent for study to investigators and institutions: 670

*Include only material recorded on shipping invoices
**Actual number of specimens recorded on shipping invoices.
***Cataloged specimens only deducted from total specimens in custody.

[[second table]]
Specimens identified, Fiscal Year 1959
Recorded in Registrar's Office(E. and R.) 
- Number of transactions: 543
- Total Number of Specimens Involved: 3,935
- Number of Specimens Identified: 3,886
Recorded in Division only (E. and R.)
- Number of transactions: 870
- Total Number of Specimens Involved: 2,184
- Number of Specimens Identified: 2,178
USNM specimens identified during year:
- Number of transactions: 
- Total Number of Specimens Involved: 
- Number of Specimens Identified: 100

Total number of specimens identified fiscal year 1959.:
- Number of transactions: 1,413
- Total Number of Specimens Involved: 6,119
- Number of Specimens Identified: 6,164

Transcription Notes:
Two tables are displayed - first with title "Specimens acquired and distributed - Fiscal 1959" and second with title "Specimens identified, Fiscal Year 1959". First table has multiple asterisks referencing further information at end of table data.