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   "For Prize Contest"

             504 N Russell
              Champaign ,
W.A. Burpee + Co
  Philadelphia      August 26, 1925-
Dear Sir-
   I bought five dollars worth
of garden and flower seed from
your company this spring.
 I never had seed to come up better,
The plants were full of life, and
grew off well Altho we had a very
dry season this year.
 I planted one half pound of Burpee's
Golden Bantam [[stamped]] AUG 31 1925 [[/stamped]] Sweet Corn. It came
up well. We sold more than ten
dollars worth, besides what my family
of three used.
We have sold $10/00 dollars or more
of snapdragons flowers so far, We have
Asters and other flowers coming later
I see that and State University
here use some of your seeds
       yours truly
       Mrs Harry E Potter