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PRIZE CONTEST FOR 1925         No.22

That you may know your seeds grow as successfully in Oklahoma as elsewhere I am reporting my experience with a small garden planted for our own pleasure and consumption several years ago. 

To a florist I sold: 

677   Doz. Sweet Peas.
9 1/4 "[[Ditto for: Doz.]] Gladiolie.
36    "[[Ditto for: Doz.]] Shasta Daisies.
6     "[[Ditto for: Doz.]] Zinnias.

besides giving many boquets to friends and the sick. At the Garden flower Show I received Sweepstakes for best display. Five firsts on cut flowers, first on porch boxes. Also canned over 100 quarts of vegetables. 

I have planted your seeds exclusively for many years, always with excellent results. 

Mr. J. J. Cummings
301 E. 11th St. 
Pawhuska, Okla.