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PRIZE CONTEST FOR 1925      No. 1302

W. Atlee Burpee Co.

I feel I must write to tell you the wonderful results I got from your seed. I hesitated a long while about sending to U. S. A. on account of duty charges, but I figured it was cheaper in the end. Burpee's Seeds are cheaper than anywhere else in Canada, and the wonderful results I got!

I got nine dollars of flower seed and made square plots, sowing one package of seed to a plot. I had it arranged thus- blue bed, rose bed, white or yellow bed, mixed bed and so on over again.

My Zinnias are as large as tea plates and such a mass of bloom. Bartonia, I believe excels them all - its blooming season is so long, and its flowers are so unique; well now I forgot Salpiglossis - its my favorite of all flowers, so velvety, so rich in coloring. Mine are well over four feet and each flower is an immense size.

The poppies simply done wonderful. I have hundreds and hundreds of bloom of Single Shirley, Double Mexican or Prickly Poppy, California Poppy. The California Poppy bed is one carpet of sunset shades and the leaves are so fern-like. My Prickly Poppy is well over three feet and blooms almost as large as an Oriental Poppy, the Carnation Flowered Poppy being even taller.

Larkspur, Lupines, Three Kinds Cosmos, are as high as my oldest boy and he is eleven. The Mignonette & Nicotiana perfume the whole garden with its sweetness. Allyssum is simply a white sheet covering every inch of ground. Dwarf Phlox is grand too, and I never had a plant to mature before and I have sown it for years.

I must not forget the Rose Spider Plant. It is an odd flower and as tall as the Larkspur. I never saw it before. Blue Lace Flower, Clarkia, Love-in-Mist, Four-o-Clocks, African Marigold, Balsam, Lavatera and dear little Godetia simply cover the bed till one cannot see ground at all. The Blue Centaurea at a distance resembles blue and green carpet. The only thing of over one hundred packages that did not surpass all my expectations was Scabiosa.

The Sweet Peas are larger than any I ever saw, and such colors!

I must not forget my Perennials grown from Burpee's Seed. I have hundreds of grand hardy plants for next years blooming.

I could tell you of the wonderful results of Burpee's Stringless Green Pod Beans, not only quantity but quality, also White Wonder Cucumber and other Vegetable Seed, but space does not permit. I have sown lots of seed but I never had such reward for time and trouble.

My garden is a great pride to me and a delight to all who