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[[stamped]] AUG 25 1925 [[/stamped]]

R. J. McHattie
K. B. McHattie 

The Prize Contest

"We have been customers of Burpee's for the last twenty years. There was never a truer solgan than this, "Burpee's Seeds Grow." My garden was planted the first of May, was delayed by a heavy frost latter. We had cucumbers for table use the middle of July, and now have all we can use. I have canned and pickled over 40 quarts of carrots off of a row 5 rods long, besides all we have used. Have used cabbage the last 4 weeks, corn last 2 weeks, and the tomatoes are ripening fast. Heres! to Burpee's Seeds, they always Grow"

Mrs R. J. McHattie
Buffalo North Dakota
Box 254. 

Transcription Notes:
solgan should be slogan but transcribed as written