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[[stamped]] AUG 25 1925 [[/stamped]]

"For Prize Contest."

W. Atlee Burpee Co.,

Dear Sirs,
Never were we so proud of our sweet peas as this year or carry off such honors, for Burpee's Winters won First and Special at the Coronado Flower Show, also the Silver Cup at the San Diego.

Their sturdiness was manifested from time they first shot through the ground. The colors, clear, gorgeous and intense, at once commanded admiration and their long stout stems with frilled edged blooms of great size ( many with double centers ) were other distinctive features. Vines attained a height of nine feet and were a dazzling mass of bloom from early January till late June.

Yours very truly,
[[signed]] Miss May C. Collier [[/signed]]
2444 "F" St.,
San Diego,