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[[stamped]] AUG 31 1925 [[/stamped]]

[[underlined]] For Prize Contest [[/underlined]]

For over twenty years I have used Burpee's seeds.  During that period I have also used seeds of other firms with varying success, but can truly say that Burpee's seeds have given the best satisfaction.

[[underlined]] First [[/underlined]]. They come true to name and description, - a very important quality

[[underlined]] Second [[/underlined]]. -They possess high germinating power, - equally important.

[[underlined]] Third [[/underlined]]. - Catalog descriptions can be depended upon in making selections. Descriptions and illustrations are not overdrawn or exaggerated.

I maintain a home and educate my children chiefly from the proceeds of the garden, hence feel qualified to pass upon the quality of garden seed.

William H. Penix
Salina Kansas
R F D 5