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[[stamped]] SEP 1 - 1925 [[/stamped]]


Early in March we planted the seeds obtained from Burpee in flats and placed them in warm sunny locations in the house.  As soon as the plants were strong enough we transplanted to cold frames, and from these to the open beds.  We were very fortunate in obtaining an early start, strong plants and well cultivated beds which resulted in a continuous profusion of flowers throughout the Summer.  Our Scabious won first prize and our African Marigolds second at a recent show.  Altogether we have raised about 600 plants from seeds obtained from Burpee and can surely say "they grow."

Geo. R. Woodberry
53 Cabot St
Beverly, Mass.

Transcription Notes:
As an aside, Woodberry is old family name in Beverly ~ and 53 Cabot St. is still a nursery/Ward's Gardens and Green House.