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[[stamp]] SEP 1 - 1925 [[/stamp]]

[[underlined]] For Prize Contest [[/underlined]]

Marietta, Pa., Aug. 31, 1925

W. Atlee Burpee Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.

Your slogan is not "the truth, the whole truth," etc.  Burpee's seeds "Grow Like Dickens".  Why don't you use the name "Ford" instead of "Fordhook";  for your seeds, like Ford autos, stand so much mistreatment.
Because of my absence, my garden received scarcely six hours attention since planting, but has produced all the vegetables two families could use, a hundred quarts canned, and still growing strong.
We're already picked over five hundred bushels from two hundred-foot rows of Stringless Green Pod Beans, seven hundred ears of Golden Bantam and Country Gentlemen from five rows, etc.  They Sure Grow!

Fred. W. Zuch
1380 Pine Street