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^[[ [[encircled and strikethrough]] 43 [[/encircled and strikethrough]] ]]
[[stamped]] APR 20 1925 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest.

W. A. Burpee

Dear Sir

I am writing to tell you of my splendid success with your flower seeds.  I exhibited at the City of Peterboro' Industrial Exhibition in 1924, and was awarded seven first prizes and two seconds.

First - best six blooms of Asters.
[[ditto for: First]] boquet of Sweet Peas
[[ditto for: First]] hand boquet composed of
[[ditto for: First]] Stocks and Asters.
Collection of Sweet Peas, Stocks,
[[ditto for: Collection]] Deanthus, and antirrhinum. 
Second for Collection of Asters, and
[[dittos for: Second]] for a Special Collection of Asters.
The Phlox and Marigolds too were very fine.

I also kept our Church supplied with flowers, sent them to the sick, sold some, and still had plenty.

Mrs. Robt. Waterman
Fraserville, Ontario, Can