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^[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] Jan 22 1925 [[/stamped]]

[[preprinted]] DAUPHIN COUNTY [[/preprinted]]

[[strikethrough]] HARRISBURG [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Steelton,]] PA.
[[underline]] Jan 21 [[/underline]] 1925

[[underline]] For Prize Contest [[/underline]] 


A bed of Mayahead lettuce ten feet square and one foot each way, attracted more attention last June than all the flowers we had in the garden. A neighbor, Mrs A, who always has a nice garden, could not stand the admiration the visitors and neighbors bestowed on that lettuce, and while admitting to Mrs B it was nice, added it was so bitter your could hardly eat it. I presented Mrs B with a head, who after trying it pronounced it the best she ever at. Some lettuce that can make your neighbors jealous.

Yours Respt
Theo B Lighty
2543 So 3rd st