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^[[ [[encircled]] 92 [[/encircled]] ]]
^[[July 10th, 1925]]
[[stamped]] JUL 14 1925 [[/stamped]]

[[preprinted letterhead]]
Heyman Gabriel
Harry Kohn
Gabriel Jewelry Co.
Jewelers & Diamond Merchants
209 Dauphin Street
[[/preprinted letterhead]]

For Prize Contest.

Gard'ners! Farmers! to supply your garden needs
Heartily I recommend you Burpee's Seeds.
After using all other kinds, many years,
No other corn produced such delicious ears
And in quite ordinary back yard ground
Irish potatoes, each weighing over a pound.

As did Burpee's for me!

Burpee's Seed with excellent germination
Fulfilled liberally my expectation,
Gaining yields abundant, quality superb,
Producing flower, fruit, vegetable, herb.
So it is not difficult for you to see
Why I gladly endorse the house of Burpee.

Heyman Gabriel
209 Dauphin Street  Mobile, Alabama