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Work of the Advisory Committee.

Early in the year, 1915, it was learned from Mr. Jerome Connor, sculptor, that he has a commission to execute a statue of Robert Emmet, which is intended for presentation to the National Gallery. The preliminary work in miniature was, on request of the the Assistant Secretary, inspected by Paul W. Bartlett, and George J. Zolnay, sculptors, both of who submitted favorable reports. The work, which is to be in bronze, is now in hand, but no statement as to the possible date of completion has been made. 

A letter from Edwin H. Blashfield, sculptor, dated April 14, 1914, conveyed the information that William R. O'Donovan, sculptor, had completed a bust in bronze of General Joseph Wheeler, to be presented to the National Gallery of Art. In May, 1914, the Advisory Committee, was asked to examine the work and reported favorably on its acceptance, but up to the close of the present year the presentation has not taken place. 

In March, 1916, the Advisory Committee reported adversely on the acceptance of the painting of the ship William P. Frye, offered by John Eliot, Administrator of the Waldron estate, P. O. Box, 1652, New York City.

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