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[[right upper corner, handwritten in pencil 5.]] 5.

Distributions, 1917-1918.

Twenty-one paintings by Contemporary Foreign artists (loan collection of the American Federation of Arts, Acc. 58479) were sent for special exhibition to the Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Virginia. These have been returned to the care of the National Gallery.

The following paintings and other art works have been withdrawn by their owners: The oil portrait of Henry Clay by Jean Baptiste Adolphe Gibért (Acc. 55281), at the request of the owner, Mr. Watterson Stealey, was forwarded to the Anderson Galleries, Chicago, Illinois; oil painting, "The Trapper," lent by George C. Treat (Acc. 58011), at the request of Mr. Treat was shipped to Mr. A. Winship, Boston City Club, Boston, Mass.; the water color entitled "Military Review" by Edward Detaille (part of Acc. 55504) was withdrawn by the Hon. George Peabody Wetmore.

The three special exhibits of the year were returned to the exhibitors: A collection of 108 lithographs and etchings (Acc. 61826) to Mr. Joseph Pennell; a series of architectural drawings, etc., (Acc. 62136, 42 items) to Charles Mason Remey; and the colored design for the proposed new building of the Army Medical Museum (Acc. 62116) to the Office of the Surgeon-General, War Department.