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[[handwritten in pencil, upper right hand corner 7.]] 7.

Special Exhibitions, 1917-1918.

The exhibition of a large collection of paintings by Ossip Perelma continued over from the preceding year, and three special exhibitions of art works were held, --November 1 to 24, 1917, a collection of 99 lithographs and 9 etchings illustrating war work in Great Britain and the United States, by Joseph Pennell, were exhibited by Mr. Pennell; during March and April, 1918, a painting of the proposed new building for the Army Medical Museum and Library executed by members of the art department of that Museum was exhibited by the Office of the Surgeon-General; in March, 1918, a series of architectural drawings by Charles Mason Remey, being preliminary designs showing varying treatments in different styles of architecture of the proposed Bahai Temple to be built on the shore of Lake Michigan at Chicago, Illinois, was exhibited by Mr. Remey.