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Suggestions, etc., 1917-1918

As already stated, the New Natural History building is greatly overcrowded with the collections of it three departments, Biology, Geology, Anthropology, and the Art Gallery. So great is the body of materials in Geology that the floors are said to be in danger of giving way. Today nearly one-fourth of available space is given over to Art. The need of considering the erection of a National Gallery of Art is pressing and should receive attention at the earliest possible moment. We have already failed to acquire many rich gifts of Art works because of the impossibility of caring for them in the present buildings of the Smithsonian group, and other cities are being enriched at our expense. Millions in value, well within our reach, have gone elsewhere because of our unpreparedness. To the national city is due reasonable attention to these matters on the part of the legislators of the nation. It is apparent, however, that until the close of the war with Germany it will be inadvisable to urge the project further. (See report for 1916-1917, copy of letter of July 10, 1917, herewith).