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subject matter would appear to require particular attention.

First consideration may be give to the art collections of the Nation, now cared for by the Smithsonian Institution:

1. THE FINE ARTS PROPER: The paintings and sculptures of the present National Gallery occupy the north hall of the new Museum, the alcove at the north end of the gallery, and part of the rotunda. In addition four rooms on the ground floor are at present devoted to temporary exhibits of art works and art storage. Roughly estimated, the area occupied approximates 15,000 square feet of floor space and the walls of the same.

2. THE EMBELLISHING ARTS - ARTS AND CRAFTS: The collections available that could be assigned to the "Art Museum" are very extensive and include:

Ceramics ---------------------------1,200 sq. ft.
Graphis arts ----------------------12,600  "  " [[ditto for sq. ft.]]
Textile arts, lace, etc. -----------3,000  "  " [[ditto for sq. ft.]]
Music ------------------------------1,000  "  " [[ditto for sq. ft.]]
Religious art ----------------------2,000  "  " [[ditto for sq. ft.]]
Photography ------------------------1,200  "  " [[ditto for sq. ft.]]
Coins and medals -------------------1,600  "  " [[ditto for sq. ft.]]
Library ------------------------------600  "  " [[ditto for sq. ft.]]
History (if temporarily included)--12,000  "  " [[ditto for sq. ft.]]
                          Total.   50,000  "  " [[ditto for sq. ft.]]