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^[[1918 - 1919.]]
By W. H. Holmes, Curator.

During the year numerous and important changes were made in installation, the Gallery at the end of the year being in more perfect condition than at any previous period. The Gallery was closed for a number of months due to the occupation of the building by the War Risk Bureau. Before opening again to the public in April it was thoroughly renovated and the burlap of the walls was in part renewed.

On February 9 Dr. Edward L. Morse, who had recently presented to the Gallery the marble bust of his father, famous for discoveries in electricity, stated that the plaster copy of this bust executed previously for the Division of Mechanical Technology was unsatisfactory and should be destroyed ^[[,]]and this was done.

With the introduction of the Pell collection in the north alcove of the Gallery, the space that may be devoted to art in the natural history building is practically exhausted. It is planned, however, to begin in a small way the installation in passageways and spare corners of selections of art objects from the several division and sections of the Department of Anthropology, more especially from Ceramics, Metal work, Textiles and the like. In case large gifts of art works are acquired as permanent exhibits limited space can be made available by the withdrawal by the owners of collections lent to the Museum at periods when the spaces were not so limited as at present.