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[[index card on upper left of page]]
Abstract furnished by Prof. Holmes of his Ann. Report on the National Gallery of Art, 1919, for the use of Mr. Ravenel in preparing his part of the Secy's report.
[[/index card]]

[[stamp on upper right next to index card reading AUG 1 1919]]

[[Obscured by index card]]tunate in the ac- [[Obscured by index card]]mportance during [[Obscured by index card]]thy is a gift of twentyfour paintings by Mr. Ralph Cross Johnson which comprises selections from the brushes of nineteen of Europe's foremost masters. The Gallery is thus more fully assured of a worthy position among the galleries of the nation. The extension of the Gallery's activities to wider fields than heretofore is marked by the acquirement by gift of an installment of a rich collection of art works of European origin from Rev. A. D. Pell, of New York.

^[[Mr Ravenel something may be said perhaps. especially [[?]] ]]