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along [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] the seashore where he always manages to have a gigantic hurrah.  Ample opportunities exist and everything goes - no not everything!! Seriousness, care for the next days head or the bank acct. are always barred.  And this was the life of old Japan and this explains their love for the butterfly in their ancient art.  Butterflies they themselves would now be if free from foreign influence, foreign imitation - a simple, light-hearted, and tremendously artistic people.  I wonder what they will be a century hence?  Their art at least, will be entirely changed and probably worthless.  By this, I mean their hundreds of things artistic and at the same time utilitarian.  Of course, the way of a people has nothing whatever to do with art in [[underlined]] its very highest form. [[/underlined]]
This trip is taking me to some very delightful [[underlined]] old art [[/underlined]] centers.  Oaimyo towns with their ruined castles, ancient gardens and splendid tree lined roads.  And I am receiving charming little hospitality [[scan incomplete]]