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heroic missionary - but I was irresistibly touched by his forlorn looks and seemingly hopeless mission.
And still not so very many centuries ago Buddha was unknown in Japan.  Strange that the country who then sent missionaries should now be so humiliated by those whose souls they then desired to save.  Query:  Is America to be treated like China?  And when is the very essence, the [[underlined]] divine in all religious beliefs [[/underlined]] to overcome the bigotry of so-called Christians and so-called pagans.  In the Orient one's mind frequently and easily turns many corners of the endless road to the great Unknown.  To the stranger in India that Faith which drove Buddhism from its very birth place to China, Korea and finally Japan seems the representation of Archaic Truth.
In Japan, a highly idealized, elusive, aesthetic interpretation, a mingling of innocence, magic and [[strikethrough]] f??ing [[/strikethrough]] vapory reverence together with admirable contentment and gladdened existence compells one to recognize a holiness in Buddhas teachings exceedingly charming and perfectly harmonious with summery Japanese life.
And here Shintoism a [[scan incomplete]]