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^[[Copy sent To Mr True Sept. 30-96]]

The Section of Graphic Arts has reached a point where it must rest, unless it is supplied more liberally with money.  The ground to be covered is as well covered as the facilities so far furnished would permit.  The collections need piecing out in many places, and it is very desirable, also, that some of the specimens now on exhibition should be replaced by better ones.  But this can only be done with the aid of money.  The possibilities of "soliciting" have been exhausted.
The above applies more especially to the illustrations of the reproductive or multiplying arts.  The increasing of the collection illustrating the methods of drawing and painting must be left to slower development in the future, to make it what it might be or ought to be would ^cost altogether too much money to allow it to be thought of for the present.
Whether it is worth while to continue the effort to illustrate the applications of printing in the industrial arts, may remain an open question.  With a proper expenditure of time, and of money for the expenses incident, much interesting material could probably be obtained for this department from manufacturers.  But as there is no room to exhibit the specimens that might be thus obtained, it would be useless to make further efforts in this direction - even if the money needed were available, - until the creating of a new building will permit of an enlargement of the Section of Graphic Arts.
After the reconstruction, above outlined, of the division embracing the reproductive or multiplying arts, - which is, and will probably always remain, the main division of the Section - the preparation of a "handbook" will be in order.  Several beginnings towards such a "handbook" have been made, but they had to be abandoned, as the collections were too incomplete and the changes in them to rapid to make it likely that a "handbook" fitting them would have permanent value.