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of American car # came into general use.

In the fourth series were exhibited 45 models, * illustrating the development of the American rail and track. In addition to these models several rail sections, that had been in service prior to 1835, were shown, attached by the original fastenings to the stone blocks which were used by early railway constructors.

In selecting objects for the fifth series, devoted to the development of the American steamboat and modern steamship, many illustrations of early attempts at invention, which may be regarded as chimerical, were omitted. This series was intended to show the beginnings of marine steam engineering, together with a very few types of modern steamships.


# Many of the objects in this series were illustrated in "the Evolution of the Railway Passenger Car", by J. Elfreth Watkins - "Harper's Weekly", August 25, 1888
* Illustrations of the American Rail and Track", by J. Elfreth Watkins, read before the Annual Convention of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Seabright N.J., June 21, 1889.