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The sixth series contains maps, showing the beginning and extension of the American railway system from 1830 to 1888; and in the seventh, palanquins, sledges, elephant howdahs etc., illustrating methods of transportation in foreign lands, were assembled.

The arrangement of objects in the alcove assigned to the Department of Transportation and Engineering, at Cincinnati, was completed about the last of July, when upon returning to Washington, my attention was directed to the rearrangement of the few objects which remained upon the floor of the Museum. Other duties engrossed my attention until late in November, when many of the objects in the exhibit alluded to above, were returned from Cincinnati, requiring a rearrangement of the exhibition series, which was completed early in March. Since that date the work of correspondence and taking care of the objects, which have been added to the collection has engrossed as much of my attention and time as could be spared from other duties in the Department of Property and Supplies, the present organization