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Among the important accessions received during the year, the following may be noted.
A handsome Japanese Kago, presented by TOKUGAWA IYENARI, 11th TAIKUN of Japan, to his daughter, upon her betrothal to Prince HOSOKAWA a DAIMIO of HIGO, 1835, obtained through Hieromich Shugio. This kago is made of wood, beatufully lacquered and elaborately embellished with crests of the TOKUGAWA and HOSOKAWA families. The interior is handsomely upholstered and decorated.
A model of a Japanese jinrikisha, (light covered vehicle with two wheels, drawn by a man or a boy), together with the small painting, which accompanies it, gives an excellent idea of the manner in which this popular conveyance of Japan, which takes the place of the London cab, is used.